Circular Singly Linked List

Circular Singly Linked List

Understanding Circular Singly Linked Lists

What is Circular Singly Linked List?

Circular singly linked is same as singly linked list. In single linked list, the last node points to none but in circular singly linked list, the last node will be pointing back to its head.

Circular singly linked lost creation:

class Node: 
    def __init__(self, value): 
        self.value = value = None 
class CSLinkedList:                 #with 1 element
    def __init__(self):
        new_node = Node(value) = new_node
        self.head = new_node 
        self.tail = new_node 
        self.length = 1
class CSLinkedList:                 #empty list
    def __init__(self) : 
        self.head = self.tail = None 
        self.length = 0

Here, the time and space complexity is O(1) times complexity for both of the versions, because it takes cons time operation and no extra additional memory is required for this code.

Append Method

Append means we are adding a new node to the last of a linked list.



class CSLinkedList:       #empty linked list
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = self.tail = None 
        self.length = 0
    def append(self,value): 
        new_node = Node(value) 
        if self.length == 0:
            self.head = new_node
            self.tail = new_node 
   = new_node
   = new_node 
   = self.head 
            self.tail = new_node
        self.length += 1

All the lines will take O(1) time complexity, at the end of the code we are increasing the length by 1, that's also O(1) time complexity. It's obvious the space complexity will be O(1) too because we are just adding one element to the linked list.

Print Circular Singly List

As from the previous blog, we have learned printing linked list ain't similar to normal lists. We have to take out the value from it and store it somewhere then we will be able to print it.

Visualization :

Code :

def __str__(self)
    temp_node = self.head 
    result = ''
    while temp_node != None: 
        result += str(temp_node.value)
        temp_node =
        if temp_node == self.head: 
        result += "->" 
    return result

Prepend Method

Prepend means adding at the beginning of the linked list.

Visualization :

Code :

def prepend(self, value): 
    new_node = Node(value) 
    if self.length == 0: 
        self.head = self.tail = new_node = new_node 
    else: = self.head = new_node
        self.head = new_node 
    self.length += 1

All the lines will take O(1) time complexity, at the end of the code we are increasing the length by 1, that's also O(1) time complexity. It's obvious the space complexity will be O(1) too because we are just adding one element to the linked list

Insert Method

Now I will write on how to insert a new node to any given location in the circular singly linked list. We will take two params, value and index. Based on the index, we will insert a new node.

Visualization :

Code :

def insert(self,index, value) :
    new_node = Node(value)
    if self.length == 0: 
        self.head = self.tail = new_node = new_node
    if index > self.length or index < 0: 
        temp_node = self.head 
        for _ in range(index-1): 
            temp_node = #if index is 2, temp_node will stop at 1 = = new_node
    self.length += 1

Every line in this code will take O(1) time complexity except the for loop. In the worst case, we might have to loop through all the elements so it will take O(N) time complexity. But the space complexity will take O(1)


Traversing means visiting all the elements one by one.

Visualization :

Code :

def traverse(self): 
    temp_node = self.head 
    while temp_node != None: 
        temp_node = 
        if temp_node == self.head:         #to avoid infinity loop

As we are going through all the element (a loop) the time complexity will be O(N). Additionally, no extra space is required to perform this program, so the space complexity is going to be O(1)

Searching method

It's going to be a linear search. We will take "target" param so see if this is the value we are looking for. If not, we will continue to the next node. If we find the value, we return true. If we don't find the value, we return false

Code :

def search(self, target): 
    current_node = self.head 
    while current_node != None:  
        if current_node == target: 
            return True
        current_node =
        if current_node == self.head: 
    return False

As you can see, there's a loop. So the overall time complexity is going to be O(N) time complexity and the space complexity is going to be O(1)

Get method

Code :

def get(self,index) 
    if index < -1 or index >= self.length: 
        return None
    elif index == -1: 
        return self.tail.value
   temp_node = self.head 
    for _ in range(index): 
        current = 
    return current.value

if condition will take O(1) time complexity, for loop will take O(N) time complexity. Space will take O(1).

Set method

def set_value(self, index, value) : 
    temp = self.get(index) 
    if temp: 
        temp.value = value 
        return True 
    return False

get method takes O(N) time complexity, so the overall time complexity will be O(N) time complexity and the space complexity is O(1)

Pop first method

When we will call pop first method, it is going to remove the first node and return the value of the first node.

Code :

def pop_first(self): 
    popped_node = self.head 
    if self.length == 0: 
        return None
    if self.length == 1: 
        self.head = self.tail = None
        self.head = = self.head = None
    self.length -= 1
    return popped_node

Space complexity : O(1)

Time complexity : O(1)

Pop method

Pop method is going to remove the last node and return.

Code :

def pop_last(self) 
    popped_node = self.tail
        if self.length == 0: 
            return None 
        if self.length == 1: 
            self.head = self.tail = None 
            temp = self.head  
            while is not self.tail: 
                        temp = 
   = self.head
            self.tail = temp 
   = None 
        self.legth -= 1 
        return popped_node

Time complexity : O(N)

Space complexity : O(1)

Remove method


def remove(self,  index) 
    if index < 0 or index >= self.length: 
        return None 
    elif index == -1: 
        return self.tail
    elif index == 0: 
        return self.pop_first()
    prev_node = self.get(index-1)
    popped_node = = = None
    return popped_node

Time complexity : O(N)

Space complexity : O(1)

Delete All Nodes


def delete_all(self) : 
    if self.length == 0: 
        return None = None 
    self.head = None 
    self.tail = None
    self.length = 0

Thus, the garbage collector will collect all the nodes. Time and space complexity both are O(N)

That's all for today. In the next blog, we will solve some problem based on Circular Singly Linked List. Stay hydrated!